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Feedback, corrections is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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ABC R Australia

1 of 99 streams from ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Format: international
Language: English

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Program Schedule

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Programs in our database:
MTuWThF 12:00m-12:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Su 12:05a- 2:00a Sunday Afternoon (i) (magazine, ABC)
MTuWThF 12:05a-12:30a Pacific Beat (i) (world affairs, ABC)
12:30a- 1:00a Sistas Let's Talk (i) (special interest, ABC)
MTuWThF  1:00a- 1:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
 1:05a- 2:00a Counterpoint (i) (talk, ABC)
TuWThF  1:05a- 2:00a Late Night Live (i) (talk, ABC)
Sa  1:05a- 3:00a Saturday Afternoon (i) (magazine, ABC)
MTuWThF  2:00a- 2:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThF  2:05a- 2:30a PM (i) (news, ABC)
Su  2:05a- 2:30a Rare Collections (i) (pop/rock music, ABC)
Su  2:30a- 3:00a Download This Show (i) (miscellaneous, ABC)
Su  2:30a- 4:30a Rhianna Patrick (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThFSu  3:00a- 3:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Sa  3:05a- 3:30a A Big Country (i) (ecology/garden/rural, ABC)
Su  3:05a- 3:30a Correspondents' Report (i) (world affairs, ABC)
MTuWThF  3:05a- 4:00a RN Drive (i) (magazine, ABC)
Sa  3:30a- 4:00a Countrywide (i) (ecology/garden/rural, ABC)
Su  3:30a- 6:00a Rhianna Patrick (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThFSu  4:00a- 4:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThF  4:30a- 5:00a Australia Wide (i) (regional/local affairs, ABC)
MTuWThFSu  5:00a- 5:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWTh  5:05a- 6:00a Big Ideas (i) (lecture, ABC)
 5:05a- 6:00a Live Set (i) (eclectic music, ABC)
Su  5:30a- 6:00a Australian Country Style (i) (country/bluegrass music, ABC)
MTuWThF  6:00a- 6:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Su  6:05a- 6:30a Download This Show (i) (miscellaneous, ABC)
MTuWThF  6:05a- 7:00a Big Ideas (i) (lecture, ABC)
Su  6:30a- 7:00a Speaking Out (i) (special interest, ABC)
Su  6:30a- 7:00a Rare Collections (i) (pop/rock music, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  7:00a- 7:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  7:05a-11:00a Nightlife (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  8:00a- 8:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  9:00a- 9:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu 10:00a-10:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu 11:00a-11:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu 11:05a- 2:00p Overnights (i) (talk, ABC)
FSa 11:05a- 3:00p Overnights (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu 12:00n-12:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  1:00p- 1:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  2:00p- 2:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  2:05p- 3:00p Early Morning Country (i) (country/bluegrass music, ABC)
Sa  2:30p- 7:00p Australia All Over (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  3:00p- 3:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  3:05p- 3:30p Pacific Beat (i) (world affairs, ABC)
 3:05p- 4:00p Country Breakfast (i) (ecology/garden/rural, ABC)
 3:20p- 3:45p A Big Country (i) (ecology/garden/rural, ABC)
MTuWThSu  3:30p- 4:00p Pacific Mornings (i) (world affairs, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  4:00p- 4:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  4:05p- 4:30p Pacific Beat (i) (world affairs, ABC)
 4:05p- 4:30p Pacific Review (i) (world affairs, ABC)
MTuWThSu  4:30p- 5:00p Pacific Mornings (i) (world affairs, ABC)
 4:30p- 5:00p Pacific Playtime (i) (children's/youth, ABC)
MTuWThFSu  5:00p- 5:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
FSa  5:00p- 5:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThFSu  5:05p- 5:30p AM (i) (news, ABC)
 5:30p- 5:55p Pacific Review (i) (world affairs, ABC)
 5:30p- 6:00p Health Report (i) (health, ABC)
 5:30p- 6:00p Sistas Let's Talk (i) (special interest, ABC)
Th  5:30p- 6:00p Pacific Prepared (i) (regional/local affairs, ABC)
MTuWThSaSu  6:00p- 6:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  6:05p- 7:00p Life Matters (i) (talk, ABC)
 6:05p- 7:30p Blueprint for Living (i) (culture/arts, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  7:00p- 7:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  7:05p- 8:00p The Hub (i) (culture/arts, ABC)
Sa  7:05p- 8:00p The Ticket (i) (sports, ABC)
 7:30p- 8:00p Pacific Prepared (i) (regional/local affairs, ABC)
MTuWThFSaSu  8:00p- 8:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Sa  8:05p- 8:30p TV Club (i) (culture/arts, ABC)
MTuWThSu  8:05p- 9:00p Conversations (i) (talk, ABC)
 8:05p- 9:00p Music Show (i) (eclectic music, ABC)
Sa  8:30p- 9:00p Future Tense (i) (science/tech, ABC)
MTuWThSu  9:00p- 9:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
MTuWThSu  9:05p- 9:30p World Today (i) (news, ABC)
Sa  9:05p- 9:30p A Big Country (i) (ecology/garden/rural, ABC)
 9:05p-11:00p Island Music (i) (world music, ABC)
Sa  9:30p-10:00p Main Ingredient (i) (food/home, ABC)
MTuWThSu 10:00p-10:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Sa 10:05p-12:00m Weekends with Phil Smith (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThSu 11:00p-11:05p ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
11:05p- 1:00a It's Just Not Cricket (i) (talk, ABC)
MTuWThSu 11:05p-12:00m Big Ideas (i) (lecture, ABC)