Friday 12:44a EST  [change time zone] 
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Feedback, corrections is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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BBC R Manchester

1 of 160 streams from British Broadcasting Corporation

Location: Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Format: full service/regional
Language: English

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Program Schedule

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Programs in our database:
TuWThF 12:00m- 1:00a Shourjo Sarkar (i) (talk, BBC)
 1:00a- 4:00a Eamonn O'Neal (i) (pop/rock music, BBC)
TuWThF  1:00a- 4:00a Alison Butterworth and Phil Trow (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa  1:00a- 4:00a Andy Crane (i) (talk, BBC)
Su  1:00a- 4:00a Mike Shaft (i) (religion/beliefs, BBC)
MTuWThF  4:00a- 7:00a Mike Sweeney (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa  4:00a- 7:00a Phil Trow and Chelsea Norris (i) (talk, BBC)
Su  4:00a- 7:00a Eamonn O'Neal and Jimmy Wagg (i) (magazine, BBC)
 7:00a- 9:00a Stephanie Hirst (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa  7:00a- 9:00a Jason Hardy (i) (magazine, BBC)
TuWThF  7:00a-10:00a Becky Want (i) (magazine, BBC)
Su  7:00a-10:00a Mike Sweeney (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa  9:00a-10:00a Manchester Sports: Matchday build-up (i) (sports, BBC)
 9:00a-11:00a Liam Bradford (i) (news, BBC)
TuWTh 10:00a- 1:00p Chelsea Norris (i) (talk, BBC)
10:00a- 1:00p Ted Robbins (i) (talk, BBC)
Su 10:00a- 1:00p Manchester Sports (i) (sports, BBC)
Sa 10:00a-12:00n Manchester Sports (i) (sports, BBC)
11:00a- 1:00p Alison Butterworth and Phil Trow (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa 12:00n- 1:00p Manchester Sports: Phone-in (i) (sports, BBC)
 1:00p- 2:00p The Monday Football Hour (i) (sports, BBC)
Tu  1:00p- 2:00p Blue Tuesday (i) (sports, BBC)
 1:00p- 2:00p Red Wednesday (i) (sports, BBC)
Th  1:00p- 2:00p Rugby League Extra (i) (sports, BBC)
 1:00p- 2:00p Manchester Sports: Weekend Preview (i) (sports, BBC)
Sa  1:00p- 3:00p Stuart Barrett (i) (talk, BBC)
Su  1:00p- 3:00p Indus (i) (talk, BBC)
MTuW  2:00p- 5:00p Georgey Spanswick (i) (talk, BBC)
ThF  2:00p- 5:00p Manchester Sports (i) (sports, BBC)
Sa  3:00p- 5:00p BBC Introducing in Manchester (i) (pop/rock music, BBC)
Su  3:00p- 5:00p The People (i) (talk, BBC)
 5:00p- 7:00p Richard Searling (i) (talk, BBC)
Sa  5:00p- 7:00p Stephanie Hirst (i) (talk, BBC)
Su  5:00p- 7:00p Gerald Jackson (i) (talk, BBC)
MTuWTh  5:00p- 8:00p Allan Beswick's Late Night Phone-In (i) (talk, BBC)
SaSu  7:00p- 1:00a As BBC Radio 5 live (i) (miscellaneous, BBC)
 7:00p- 8:00p Eastern Horizon (i) (talk, BBC)
 8:00p- 1:00a As BBC Radio 5 live (i) (miscellaneous, BBC)
MTuWTh  8:00p-12:00m As BBC Radio 5 live (i) (miscellaneous, BBC)