is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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Music Life Program category: pop/rock music
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Web Siteprogram web site
Scheduled BroadcastsSa | 8:06a- 9:00a | BBC WS News Internet , BBC WS Americas , BBC WS UK Internet , BBC WS Australasia , BBC WS E Asia , BBC WS Europe , BBC WS S Asia , 2RPH Newcastle , 2RPH Sydney , 3RPH , SBS R3 | Sa | 8:30a- 9:00a | NRK Nyheter | Su | 4:06p- 5:00p | NRK Nyheter , BBC WS News Internet , BBC WS Americas , BBC WS UK Internet , BBC WS W Africa , BBC WS Australasia , BBC WS E Africa , BBC WS E Asia , BBC WS Europe , BBC WS S Asia , Campus FM , 6CCR , 7RPH , ERR R Tallinn , SBS R3 , SR P6 |